Short-Term Therapy Success: Nora

Nora admitted to Elizabethtown Nursing and Rehab following a recent brain surgery. Upon arrival, she began working with Speech Language Pathologist, Rachel Brown. This was due to a change in her diet as a result of her surgery. Nora required a puree consistency for her meals and moderately thickened liquids. She began working on laryngeal exercises and oral motor exercises to improve her swallowing ability and improve lip closure to decrease loss of food. After continued work on these and other exercises, she was upgraded to a regular consistency diet and is now able to drink thin liquids. Nora shares with us each day how happy she is to eat regular snacks and drink “soda pops.” In addition to upgrading her diet, Nora has also increased her functional mobility as well as her activities of daily living. While Nora’s rehab stay is not over yet, she plans to continue making progress and return home to the community.